Whole Foods Seasonal Detox Programs For Beginners - The Longevity Prescription

Whole foods seasonal detox programs for beginners are for you if you ever wanted a healthy guide on enjoying the foods that are whole and plentiful in each season of the year, while also be part of  a lifesaving plan for health and longevity. With you noticing your beautiful skin increasing glow, you're achieving sustainable healthy weight loss that complements your unique body type. 

Also all this is happening at your body's cellular level that enhances the slowing of the aging process, increases your energy levels, is beneficial to the treatment of chronic illnesses, and the overall feeling of better health.

Start the process to discover how to improve the way you eat, while taking advantage of the power that whole foods can bring within just 5 days and is achievable.

The four seasons of the year - Spring, Summer, Autumn/Fall and Winter are the seasonal detox programs for longevity. It focuses on eating locally and also seasonal eating foods that grows in their specific season.

Reasons For My Whole Foods Seasonal Detox Programs

The seasons are what a symphony ought to be: four perfect movements in harmony with each other.

- Arthur Rubenstein


With every season come certain foods, expectations and more. That makes eating all the colors of the rainbow a priority, along with a varied diet, from foods that are locally grown, if possible, and the foods of that season.

Spring whole foods detox for beginners.

Whole Foods Group Cleanse Runs Every Quarter Of The Year - (or choose your own dates)
March 17 -21, 2025

Spring Detox – With spring the earth comes to life with new plants jutting out of the ground.  Tender baby greens, lettuce, a rainbow of colorful foods is gaining growth, and so much more.

Its the time for the body to renew.

summer whole foods detox. 

A 5-Day Whole Foods Detox to Help You Feel Better, Have More Energy, and Look Great In Your Shorts (Without Giving Up Real Food!)

Summer Group Program runs July - September.
Specific Dates TBA!

Summer Detox – Summer is when the farmers market is overflowing with fruits, vegetables and flowers harvested from the ground – there is no better way to get to know your foods from seed to table.

We are outdoors more; the time is slow and easy so that your body can deal with the heat. We eat lighter meals and are much more active. So we need to know how to still detox and eat out at the same time.


Fall Group Class Runs October - December!
Specific Dates TBA.

Fall Detox – Fall the climate is the time of changing color of leaves turning them into picture perfect viewing, with trees shedding their leaves, so do we also.

Its time for eating tasty, delicious winter squash, herbs are dried, the canning of tomatoes, pumpkin carving along with hayrides, and the time to do apple picking.

We start the slow process of moving indoors and also in preparation for the holidays. Eating a more heart warming meal that helps you to transform into the darker colder months ahead.


Join Our Next Group Cleanse from January 29 -February 2, 2024! (or choose your own dates)

Winter Detox – Is usually a never-ending time of holiday parties and family get-togethers.

This is the time for warming soups, stews, casseroles, roasted roots, and sautéed greens that continue the work of detoxifying the body. The days are short and cold with everyone looking forward to spring when we can shed the layers of clothing and start the renewal process again.

What You Need To Know If You Are New To Detoxing!

Toxins invade the body at times in small amounts, accumulating in your body, lying dormant for years, and eventually overwhelming your liver causing inflammation that then leads to disease.

If you are new to detoxing a beginner's program is where you should start. So I created a whole foods body detox plan that's doable.


To help in the elimination of these toxins, my suggested meal plans are created around Mother Nature’s seasonal produce. It keeps you in balance, to successfully prepare meals rich in color, variety, taste, and the nutrients essential for healthy metabolism.


With these seasonal detox programs, I’ll show you how to transition from feeling tired, achy, and more to feeling better than you ever felt.  I did it and so can you.  It all starts with food.

My Detox Program Comes With:

The recipes within these seasonal detox programs are organized by season but also include several dishes that are perfect at any time of the year. So here's what included in my programs:

  • A 5-day whole foods based detox with tons of support and guidance from me, a certified holistic health and expert detox coach.
  • A complete daily protocol with step-by-step instructions on what to do and when to do it.
  • Recipes for breakfasts, lunches, and dinners along with snack and sweet treat recipes – you won’t have to wonder whether a food is “okay” – I’ll spell it all out for you.
  • Guidance on which foods you need to buy organic and which you don’t.
  • Access to my exclusive MEMBERS ONLY Facebook group where you’ll be able to connect with me and other detoxers. If you’ve never joined a group like this before, believe me: this is the best part.
  • A training live training call with me where I’ll explain the detox step-by-step, and you’ll have a chance to ask all your questions before we get started.

Bonus Handbook Given As Part Of My Detox Programs

  • Bonus #1: A shopping list template, so you’ll zip through the grocery store.
  • Bonus #2: A complete “Deepen Your Detox” Bonus Tips Handbook to help you get the best results during your detox.
  • Bonus #3: An eating out guide to help you stick to your detox if you have a business lunch or a meal out.
  • Bonus #4: A post-detox strategy call LIVE with me to check-in, ask your questions and get more tips for keeping your best body in top shape after the detox is over.

Transition Slowly From 5-Day Detoxes

Make the changes through all the seasonal detox programs slowly. With the gradual changes you are allowing your body and your life to adjust, and you are more likely to maintain this life-long new habit.

Remember these whole foods seasonal detox programs are simply guides in you creating a healthy lifestyle in you using the power of nutritious foods to take back your health, reverse disease and live a long life.

So always chose to improve your detoxes with variety and nutritional value. And remember not to let food control you. Put it in a healthy place and just nourish yourself well with all that life has to offer.

P.S. If you think detoxing is hard or should be hard or if you have chosen the wrong type of detox. I want you to know I have written two web pages, one is on the top three mistakes people make; and a detox mistakes recap and frequently asked questions, that I urge you to read.

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